54 Productive Things to do When Bored at Home - Live Love Planners (2025)

If you’re bored at home, there are plenty of productive things you can do other than online shopping, scrolling on Instagram or watching tv.

The current global pandemic has hit us and hit us hard and with many in isolation at home, it’s easy to get bored at home and be depressed all day with nothing to do.

The plus side is, you can finally get to do the things you would never normally have time to do.

The goal: Stay sane, stay safe and stay super productive.

Being at home right now is the BEST thing you can do, but how do you make staying at home full of productivity?

Productive Things to Do When Bored at Home

Having extra time on our hands, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it’s good to have time to ourselves without the need to rush to do anything!

Watching TV and scrolling on Instagram shouldn’t be frowned upon, as long as it’s done in moderation.

However, there is so many more productive things to do with your time.

You have the opportunity when ‘bored at home’ to challenge & push yourself, do something new and overall be a better version of yourself.

Plan out your days and set schedules that are outside your comfort zone. You’ll be surprised what you get out of it!

So anytime you find yourself stuck at home for long periods of time, try this list of super productive things to do when bored:

1. Learn something new

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Try learning a new word in the dictionary or watch an insightful video on Youtube. You can even spend 15 minutes a day learning a new language!

2. Plan the Week

If you want to be more productive, you should always plan the week ahead of you.

Plan activities, tasks and meals for the coming week. Each day you should have a plan of exactly what it is you prepare to do lists and daily planners to help you get things done!

Get a good planner that will help you stay motivated and keep you productive.

This digital planner for 2024will help you stay organized and gives you all the templates you need to stay productive and get things done!

3. Start a Blog

productive things to do when bored

Starting your very own blog can be a great pass time and could also pay really well too.

There are hundreds if not thousands of blog topics to choose from.

You can get started for as little as $3.95 a month! Read my How to Start a Money Making Blog post to find out more.

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Related Post:

How To Start A Blog And Make Money

4. Practice Mindfulness

Switching off and allowing your mind and body to rest is a great thing to practice daily.

Quiet time without any distractions is also a fantastic way to improve and boost your mental health.

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5. Set some Goals

If you aren’t setting goals already, why not?

Setting goals often determine whether or not you’re successful in life. This is your chance to sit down and really think about what you want.

If you have no idea where to start, read about How you can set goals and actually achieve them here >>

6. Create a Budget

If you want to take control of your finances, setting a budget it essential.

Budgeting will not only help you get out of debt, but will also help you save a lot of money.

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7. Start a Side Hustle

If the pandemic has taught you anything, it’s to start diversifying your income.

2024 is the year to start making money online! I am able to generate a full time income solely working from home using just my laptop and guess what?

You can too!

Take a look at 10 Legit Side Hustles you can start today working from home!

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8. Meditate

Eliminate an over active Brain by Meditating. This will allow you to make more room for more mindfulness and happiness.

Try Youtube for a 15 minute guided meditation session.

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9. Write in a Journal

Try self-reflecting in a journal at least once a day to stay ultra productive.

Journalling about your thoughts, goals and feelings can boost your mood and help you stay positive.

Write down the things you’re grateful for each morning, you’ll start to see more and more positive things happen for you.

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10. Create Videos on Youtube

Lots of people are taking to Youtube to teach, talk and educate others.

Whether your reviewing a skincare product, teaching someone a new language or just talking about life,Youtube is a great way to document talents and show people what your made of.

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11. Start a Healthy Eating Challenge

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Starting a 21 or 28 day Healthy Eating challenge will allow you to kill time and also get your health in order!

There are a number of challenges out there; whether it’s Keto, No Sugar, Paleo or Smoothie Challenges, chose one that suits you most and stick with it for 21 to 28 days.

You’ll thank me later!

12. Consolidate your Debts

If you have a lot of debt that you want to clear, consolidating your debt all into to one lump sum could be for you.

Debt consolidation allows you to consolidate all existing debt from lenders into one big loan, often at a much lower interest rate.

13. Start the day with Positive Affirmations

Another productive thing to do is to practise daily affirmations.

Make a mental note of everything you are grateful for, even if you don’t have it yet.

Practising positive affirmations and expressing gratitude each morning, will help you to step back and refocus, allowing the universe to bring you abundance in bucket loads.

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14. Create a Routine

Whether you have kids or not, create a daily routine which includes meals, creative play, exercise, self care, screen time etc.

Structure each day and you’ll be able to manage your time better!

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15. Meal Plan and Prep

Use your spare time to prepare, cook and store food for the week.

This will save so much time and ensure you don’t binge eat on junk food.

16. Train your Brain

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Rather than wasting time of unnecessary apps, boost your memory with productive brain training apps such as Lumosity or Clockwork Brain.

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17. Pamper Yourself

Looking after yourself is an important step in staying productive. Save $50 a give yourself a quick mani-pedi.

Or maybe light some candles and relax in a bubble bath. Use up those face masks in your bathroom. Whatever it is, take some time out for self care.

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18. Download some Productivity apps

Just because you’re stuck at home, doesn’t mean you can’t stay productive and get stuff done.

If you’re always on your phone, try out this list of productivity apps to help you achieve your goals.

19. Try a New Recipe

With hundreds of thousands of recipes and videos online, you have no excuse for not being able to cook.

While you’re at home, why not try a new recipe everyday and expand your cooking knowledge.

20. Create an Emergency Kit

The current situation alone, should make want to prep an emergency kit more than ever!

Top up your first aid kit or prepare the things you’d need in an emergency. Things like a torch, batteries, matches, food etc.

21. Make a Backup of Everything

I’m just as guilty as putting off a very necessary data backup as the next person.

Use your free time to backup your phone, laptop or computer. You’ll be grateful for this productivity hack, incase anything does happen to your gadgets.

22. Organize Kitchen Cupboards

Get rid of expired goods or cook up a feast with the leftover cans in your cupboard.

Organizing your kitchen cupboard will save you time in the future and help you stay organized.

23. Make an Activity Jar

Create the ultimate boredom cure by making an activity jar with a mega list of exercises, chores, projects, games etc

That way you’ll never be bored and always have something to do, whether alone, with a partner or the kids!

24. Manage your Finances

Whether it’s choosing a saving goal or paying those late bills, take control now and polish up your finances.

Find out if you could lower your bills by switching to another provider and start recording your monthly spend, for ways to save money this year.

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25. Get Cashback ALWAYS

If you are online shopping, make sure you are always checking to see if you can get money back on your purchases.

Rakuten is my top pick for getting cashback on all purchases, plus you can get a FREE $10 bonus when you sign up here.

Dosh also gives cash back from number of top retailers and online stores.

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26. Take an Online Course

Why not take learning to the next level with online courses? Nowadays you can learn just about anything online and for a fraction of the cost you would pay in person.

Skillshare is just one example of online learning platforms where people can go to get instructor led classes/tutorials on various topic.

Anywhere from baking the perfect cupcake to improving your photoshop skills.

Give Skillshare a try with 2 months free >>

27. Do a 10-min At Home Workout

Exercise is good for the body and the soul and it’s great to do on a boring day inside.

You can find a surplus of short workout videos on Youtube, that you can do at home. No need to go to the gym to get fit, stay home and save some cash!

28. Delete Unnecessary apps

Take the time to go through your phone and delete that apps that you either don’t use or are causing too much distraction.

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29. Create a Vision Board

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If you have goals you’d like to achieve this year, creating a mood board could help you achieve those goals quicker!

They are a creative way to put your goals, big and small, on paper.

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30. Make Lists

Create just about any type of list that’s going to help you become more productive.

Write a to do list, grocery list, bucket list, movie list, gratitude list, the list is endless! 😉

31. Take Some Killer Pics

Like taking pictures in your spare time?

Why not upload you favourite pics to sites such as Foap or Shutterstock and get paid for it?

These sites pay you a commission for every photo sold, so if taking pictures is your thing, start earning passive income now!

32. Go through Emails

Clear your junk email list, sort important emails into folders and reply to any emails you’ve been putting off.

33. Listen to Inspiring Podcast

With everything that’s going on in the world, it’s easy to get caught up in the news or listening to Friend’s rants. Instead listen to an inspiring uplifting podcast.

Spotify is my go to, but there are multiple platforms you could use.

34. Clean out the Fridge

Now is the time to make a meal out of all of those leftovers and throw away that mouldy tomato.

Clear out your refrigerator and get ready a fresh restock.

35. Update and Store Passwords

Hackers are getting increasingly better at retrieving your personal details.

Keep updating your online passwords (computer and phone) and make sure they are stored in a safe place.

36. Bathroom Deep Clean

Dive in for a deep bathroom clean.

Nobody likes to do it but you have to, and what better time?

37. Spruce up your Playlists

Create all types of musical playlists for every possible mood.

It’ll save time when you’re feeling low, you can just shuffle play your uplifting song playlist and keep it moving!

38. Sell unwanted stuff

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What a great way to declutter and make money at the same time!

One persons junk is another man’s treasure. Use platforms like Ebay and Amazon to upload your items.

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39. Organize Photos into Albums

You forget when snapping away, how many pictures you take and forget to delete the ones you don’t like.

I’ve been there!

Take your time and go through unwanted pics and then sort all of them into albums.

Why not print some out and create an album for a loved one?

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40. Read a Book

It’s always good to keep learning and expand your knowledge, and reading is a great way to do that.

Put your feet up, light some candles and pull out your favourite read.

41. Cancel Unused Subscriptions

Cancel those unused waste of money monthly subscriptions.

Save the cash and spend it on things you actually need or better yet put it in a savings account.

42. Call an Old Friend

Speak to someone you haven’t talked to in a while and catch up.

Only speak to people that are going to lift you up and will improve your mood. Keep your spirits high!

43. Get Life Insurance

Get your affairs in order. Life insurance doesn’t have to be a morbid issue.

Plan for the future and get that sorted, as well as a good retirement plan.

44. Get stuck into a Puzzle

Puzzle take time…like lot’s of time! So while you have it, why not get stuck into a tricky puzzle.

Take your mind off work, stress and everything else going on out there!

45. Organize your documents

Whether your documents are in paper form on on your laptop, organize them all into folders.

Make sure you know where everything is stored, so you can save time when you need it next.

46. Crank up the Volume

Play some music and unwind. Whether you like a bit of dance music to boogy to, or classical music to unwind.

Whatever it is, crank up the volume and enjoy life!

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47. Finish a Project

We all have that one project we’ve taken ages to complete. Now you have the free time, get it done.

You’ll feel extremely accomplished once it’s done!

48. Power nap

Having a 20 minute power nap can actually help you to become more productive.

It’ll take the edge off a stressful day (or week) and reenergise you to carry on.

Don’t go into a deep sleep otherwise you’ll wind up more tired than you were before!

49. Try Origami

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If you’re good with your hands and like to be creative, why not give Origami a go?

Get on Youtube and start learning little tricks for free. Take it one step further and take a course on Skillshare.

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50. Laundry

Time to sort out that pile and iron those shirts!

When things do go back to normal (which they will), you’ll need fresh clothes and crisp shirts. Get it all sorted now, so you don’t have to do it later!

51. Get that Garden in Order

If you have a garden, why not use this opportunity to get the weeds in order.

Plant some new flowers, kill the weeds or cut the grass, whatever it is to take your mind elsewhere.

52. Listen to some TED Talks

TED talks are enlightening and inspiring (at least for me).

So if you’re a little bored or need cheering up, why not watch a quick vid to lift your spirits?

53. Update your Resume

Whether you make a living from home or not, get your Resume in order in case you need it.

You’ll always want to keep at least 2-3 months up to date at all times. You never know when you’ll need it.

54. Give someone a Compliment

Complimenting somebody else will not only make them feel really good but will also boost your mood and make you feel even better.

So why not make someones day by saying something nice!

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Wrapping it up

So there you have it! A mega list of 54 productive things to do to when you’re bored at home.

If the list seems overwhelming, start small with one item on the list and grow from there. Keep your mind and body active.

You’ll never be able to get lost time back. Make the most out of the 24 hours you have every single day, it’s vital. Stay productive.

Use this opportunity at home to better yourself and do something you’ve never done before. Challenge yourself and set some goals.

Make sure you save this ‘Productive things to do’ List on Pinterest and share it with your friends who are also looking for things to do at home!

Come back to this productive things to do list whenever you like.

If you’re looking to become even more productive and get sh*t done, have a read of my post on 10 Steps to become more productive this year.

Comment below with all the productive things you’re doing this week..

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54 Productive Things to do When Bored at Home - Live Love Planners (10)

54 Productive Things to do When Bored at Home - Live Love Planners (2025)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.